

Welcome to my web site.

This is the place where I showcase what all I have done and also experiment and learn new things in my craft as a web developer.

NO AI was used or consulted in the writing of this code or my ReactJS game, Fauxnix!

This site requires a modern browser as it relies on Web Components, SVG, and AJAX capabilities to render and function.

Looking for Fauxnix - my ReactJS game? You can find it by clicking on the bird below.

This web site is divided up into several content areas:
  • About Me - tells a little more about me, what I do and like.
  • Web Sites - a comprehensive portfolio of all the web sites I have created.
  • Art Portfolio - any artwork I created outside of web sites. Shows off most of the projects I produced to earn my degree from Purdue University.
  • Destinations - a gallery of photographs I have taken from my various trips.
  • Contact Me - use this form to contact me if you have questions, compliments, complaints, etc..